Would it be possible to reschedule this call, please?

یکی از عبارات رایج برای انجام یک درخواست مودبانه، استفاده از would است:

Would you tell me a story, please?

Would it be possible to reschedule this call, please?

به جای would it be possible، استفاده از would you mind رایج‌تر است:

Would you, uh… would you mind coming down here, actually?

Say, would you mind if I came inside just a second?

I had forgotten I have an appointment with my dentist at that time, so, would you mind if we met at 5 o’clock instead of meeting at 4 o’clock?

Would you tell me about your room in your next letter, please?

Would it be possible for you to meet me later that day, around 7?

We are supposed to have a barbecue for lunch, would you mind bringing a salad?


کسی که نزدیکتان است را تصور کنید و درخواستی را طبق آنچه در این درس یاد گرفتیم، مطرح کنید.


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

ثبت گزارش
[contact-form-7 id="56866" title="فرم تماس 1"]