Worst of all, in September it was always raining

می‌توان از گذشته استمراری برای صحبت در مورد رویدادهای تکراری و مداوم که در گذشته رخ می‌داده، استفاده کرد: اغلب با ‘always’.

Ever since she was in second grade… she was always writing

“Worst of all, in September it was always raining.”

“He was always talking about this prize but I never thought he would win it.”

“He was always chasing his dreams.” <‘Biography of a famous person’>


  • جملات زیر را با استفاده از گذشته استمراری برای توصیف رویدادهای تکراری کامل کنید:

“She __ (always/complain) about the weather.”

“They __ (always/argue) about the same topic.”

“We __ (always/visit) our grandparents every summer.”


“She was always complaining about the weather.”

“They were always arguing about the same topic.”

“We were always visiting our grandparents every summer.”


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. Worst of all, in July the ocean was always stormy.
    They were always going to the resturant every Sunday nights.
    She was talking about her family, but I never saw them at all.
    The lions were always roaring in the jungles.
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