
my friends, Mary and Sam

معنی این عبارت ساده است: my friends, Mary and Sam

اما اجازه بدهید نگاهی به ساختار آن بیندازیم:

Mary and Sam یک عبارت اسمی است: دو اسم خاص به کمک and با هم ترکیب شده‌اند.

my friends هم یک عبارت اسمی است. ضمیر مفعولی قبل از یک اسم آمده است.

در عبارت بالا می‌بینیم که دو عبارت اسمی، به کمک یک کاما (,) کنار هم قرار گرفته‌اند و یک عبارت اسمی بزرگتر را ساخته‌اند.

در زیر مثالهای بیشتری را می‌توانیم بررسی کنیم.

Those are my friends,the Goonies.

The Goonies (1985)

Allen, these are my friends,Charlie and Tommy.

Metropolitan (1989)

در این جملات، کاما را پیدا کنید و عبارت اسمی بزرگی که از ترکیب دو عبارت اسمی با کاما ساخته شده را پیدا کنید.

A new employee, Mary Watts, has just joined our company.

Yesterday my boyfriend and I decided to go on a cycling holiday to visit some places in the country near Eboli, the town where we live.

Mr Miller, the Sales Director, will visit us next Thursday.


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. My dentist, Dr. Fahimian, recommended us, my mom and me, to use this particular toothpaste for our sensitive teeth.
    Zahra, who used to be my roommate in dormitory, has given birth to twins recently.
    The child, who blew out the candles on the cake, is a student of mine at kindergarten.

  2. My colleagues, Jane and Mark, will attend the conference.
    Our neighbors, Tom and Linda, invited us to their barbecue.
    The teachers, Ms. Smith and Mr. Johnson, organized a school trip.
    My teammates, Karen and Steve, won the competition.
    Their cousins, Lily and Ben, are visiting from out of town.

  3. Yesterday my boyfriend and I decided to go on a cycling holiday to visit some places in the country near Eboli, the town where we live.
    Subject: my boyfriend and I
    Possessive adjective: my
    Noun: boyfriend
    Conjunction: and
    First-person pronoun: I
    Auxiliary verb: decided (past tense, first-person plural, of the auxiliary verb “to decide”)
    Preposition: on
    Article: a (indefinite article)
    Noun phrase: cycling holiday
    Adjective: cycling
    Noun: holiday
    Preposition: to
    Verb: visit (infinitive verb)
    Article: some (indefinite article)
    Noun: places
    Preposition: in
    Article: the (definite article)
    Noun: country
    Preposition: near
    Article: the (definite article)
    Noun: town
    Verb: live (present tense, first-person plural, of the verb “to live”)

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