I had been waiting for this letter for months, so I opened it immediately

می‌توان از گذشته کامل استمراری برای صحبت در مورد یک عمل یا رویداد پس‌زمینه استفاده کرد که قبل از یک نقطه در گذشته شروع شده و تا نقطه‌ای در گذشته که رویداد اصلی رخ داده، ادامه داشته است.

“I had been waiting for this letter for months, so I opened it immediately.”

“Once I had been watching TV for 6 hours when my Mum suddenly switched it off.”

“I had been working on the novel for years when it finally got published.” <‘A common expression’>


  • جملات زیر را با استفاده از گذشته کامل استمراری کامل کنید:

“She __ (work) at the company for five years when she got promoted.”

“They __ (travel) for months before they finally reached their destination.”

“He __ (study) all night when he realized the exam was postponed.”


“She had been working at the company for five years when she got promoted.”

“They had been traveling for months before they finally reached their destination.”

“He had been studying all night when he realized the exam was postponed.”


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. she had been working
    they had been traveling
    he had been studying
    I hadn’t been sleeping well until I finally got my test results
    we have been walking for hours before we found the right location of their home
  2. We had been decluttering our place for weeks, so we were able to make enough room for new furniture.
    I had been doing the ironing for three-quarters of an hour before I did the laundry.
    He had been walking in the park for nearly an hour before he picked me up at the gym.
ثبت گزارش
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