I don’t think I’ll live here forever

بسیاری از جملاتی که با آنها سر و کار داریم، بیان چیزی است که در ذهن می‌گذرد.

I think I saw a gas station like a couple miles back.

Wrong Turn (2013)

طبیعتاً بعضی از این جملات، منفی هستند و با عباراتی مانند I don’t think’ و ‘I don’t believe شروع می‌شوند.

But I don’t think it’ll help you.

I don’t think I’ll live here forever because I intend to move to Curitiba, a southern city of my country

I don’t believe that the suitcase will be returned to me.


فکر یا باوری که در مورد یک موضوع ساده دارید با مانند جملات بالا بیان کنید و آن را در زیر کامنت بگذارید:


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. For example:
    I think I smelled something burning in the kitchen.
    I think you should take a break.
    But I don’t think it’ll be enough to solve the problem.
    But I don’t think it’s a good idea to go out tonight.
    But I don’t think I can afford it.
    I don’t think I’ll watch TV every night forever because I want to read more books.
  2. I did not think that I would live in this apartment for more than twenty years.
    I can’t believe that after working for thirty years, I still can’t buy a car.
    I think there is a shopping mall five kilometers away.
    I don’t think lying will save you.
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