
Don’t come near me

قبلاً قیدهای زیادی را یاد گرفتیم. بعضی از این قیدها مربوط به مکان بودند. در این ترم قرار است قیدهای بیشتری برای اشاره به مکان فعل جمله یاد بگیریم.

Don’t come near me

مانند هر قید مکان دیگری، کلماتی مانند near و عباراتی مانند far away مربوط به فاصله یا مکان فعل در این جملات هستند.

And when you’re far away, I want you to think about that

Even if I’m never to see you again, I want at least to live near you.

You can’t go far away because I don’t think your parents want to pay for it.

حتی کلماتی مانند upstairs و downstairs که برای اشاره به طبقات بالا و پایین به کار می‌روند، قیدهای مکانی محسوب می‌شوند که در این ترم یاد می‌گیریم.

I’ll see you downstairs.

What? he went downstairs

Now go upstairs and do your homework!

Is everyone nearby?

After the film we went to a shop nearby for lunch and after that we went to a park and played all sorts of games.


چند مورد از قیدهای مکان بالا را در جملات واقعی به کار ببرید یا برای آنها مثالهای واقعی پیدا کنید.

علیرضا جعفریمهرآسا صیادیفاطمه عباسیحسام مرحمتی


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. far away, far away, there seemed to be a small lament in the darkness

    He had come now, now she was gone far away

    Friday is near

    No one is near.

    Only a few nearby farms exist

    Tom and Mary are working nearby

    Meet me downstairs

    Get everybody downstairs

    He went upstairs to call Sara.

    My in-laws live upstairs

    Take Tom upstairs

    They’re all upstairs

  2. I try to go immediately for a walk in a park nearby when I get up every morning.
    Your going to have to take your little duck in a cage upstairs.
    We ran downstairs to see what the reason for loud crash was.
    My father liked his children not to live far away.

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