دادن ورودی به پرامپت

منظور از ورودی داده‌ها، سوالات یا اطلاعاتی است که به مدل زبانی مانند chatGPT می‌دهیم تا آن‌ها را پردازش کند و یک خروجی به ما بدهد. این اطلاعات چیزی بیشتر از خود پرامپتی است که ارسال می‌کنیم.

برای مثال، پرامپت زیر را نگاه کنید:

Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:

[IranFluent.com appears to be a comprehensive platform dedicated to learning English, offering a variety of resources for language acquisition. Their approach emphasizes modern, effective methods such as using spaced repetition for vocabulary retention and focusing on proper pronunciation from the start. They provide a detailed list of essential English words with pronunciations and meanings, aiming to help learners build a strong vocabulary foundation​]

Make sure your summary is concise and clear.

در اینجا، متنی که بین کروشه قرار گرفته، ورودی است. اگر ورودی موردنظر ما کاملاً مشخص است، بهتر است آن را به کمک علائم نگارشی خاصی از بقیه پرامپت تفکیک کنیم. در درس بعدی درباره این علائم نگارشی بیشتر صحبت خواهیم کرد.


یک پاراگراف از یک مقاله یا کتاب را به عنوان ورودی به یک پرامپت بدهید و یک دستورالعمل (مانند خلاصه سازی) را روی آن اجرا کنید.

بازگشت به: مشخص کردن ورودی پرامپت


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:
    [The Need for Standardization
    For communicating the errors and exceptions to our API clients, we should specify a response format. In some cases, we would also like to let our users know what actually happened when something went wrong, instead of just telling them it was a 404 or 500 error.
    If multiple clients consume our API, or if we need to use a selection of someone else’s APIs, it saves a lot of headaches to have this communication standardized.
    IETF RFC 7807
    IETF to the rescue! The IETF RFC 7807 document addresses this topic and creates a standardized format by specifying the Problem Details object. We will explore how that object looks like in a bit more detail and how and where we use it in our .NET Core Web APIs. We are also going to try out a few things from our example project.]
    Make sure your summary is concise and clear.
    The passage emphasizes the need for a standardized response format for API errors to improve communication with clients. It introduces IETF RFC 7807, which provides a solution by defining the Problem Details object, and discusses its use in .NET Core Web APIs.
  2. از دید من خلاصه سازی مبتنی بر هوش مصنوعی چندین مزیت داره:
    ۱- زمان: به سرعت حجم زیادی از متن رو در خلاصه های مختصر فشرده می کنه.
    ۲- درک بهتر: چکیده نکات کلیدی؛ هوش مصنوعی به کاربران کمک می کنه تا ایده های اصلی و نکات کلیدی را به طور موثرتری درک کنیم.
    ۳- بررسی بیطرفانه: خلاصه‌های هوش مصنوعی می‌تونه دیدگاهی بی‌طرفانه در مورد یک متن ارائه و تفسیرهای ذهنی را کاهش بده.
    ۴- تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها: با هوش مصنوعی می تونیم مقادیر زیادی متن را پردازش کنیم و الگوها یا روندها را شناسایی و به تحقیق و تجزیه و تحلیل کمک کنه.
  3. Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:
    PBL is an educational strategy encompassing several
    related teaching method^^,^ and is based on research into
    how adults learn most effectively.s Typically, students
    explore a series of problems, with little or no didactic
    input. The problems are chosen to be similar to the cases
    that students will eventually face in their professional
    lives, and act as challenges to stimulate learning.
    Students discuss the cases with each other in student
    groups, with a little guidance if necessary from a tutor.
    This promotes the gradual development of clinical
    reasoning skills, whilst learning the essentials of both
    basic biomedical and social sciences. Learning is cumulative:
    each case is designed so that students can begin to
    understand it using prior knowledge, whether from
    secondary school education, previous PBL cases, or
    other forms of learning within the medical school;6
    further understanding is developed as students discuss
    cases with one another and consult appropriate
    resources such as standard textbooks, original references,
    and staff members. Habits of self-directed learning,
    it is believed, will be retained beyond q~alification.~
    Careful construction of PBL cases is fundamental to
    success. Our cases usually represent major health issues
    and each covers a range of traditional disciplines; biomedical and social science aspects are carefully
    integrated. Each case is designed to meet a set of
    predetermined learning objectives and should be neither
    too difficult for the students to handle nor so simple that
    the students are not ~hallenge.​]
    Make sure your summary is concise and clear.
    Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an educational approach that engages students in exploring real-life problems, with minimal direct instruction, to develop clinical reasoning and self-directed learning skills. Cases are carefully designed to integrate biomedical and social sciences, matching students’ prior knowledge and professional scenarios to promote comprehensive understanding and skill acquisition.
  4. Look at the text below and then:
    ۱.Find and separate the words that are above beginner level.
    ۲.For each word from the previous step, identify its part of speech (for example, make=verb) and give a short, simple definition.
    ۳.Summarize the text at a beginner level so that the meaning is still clear. Make sure the text is short and concise.
    [A risk profile is a measure of expected losses for a finite time period based on various items of historical data such as total losses, number of losses, average loss size, and payout patterns.]
    Step 1: Find and separate the words that are above beginner level.
    Step 2: Identify part of speech and provide definitions.
    risk (noun) – the possibility of loss or injury
    profile (noun) – a description of characteristics
    measure (noun) – a way to determine the size, amount, or degree of something
    expected (adjective) – considered likely to happen
    losses (noun) – instances of losing money or something valuable
    finite (adjective) – having limits or bounds
    period (noun) – a length of time
    historical (adjective) – related to past events
    data (noun) – facts and statistics used for analysis
    total (adjective) – the complete amount
    average (adjective) – the typical amount calculated by dividing the total by the number of cases
    size (noun) – the dimensions or amount of something
    payout (noun) – the act of giving money as a result of an agreement
    patterns (noun) – repeated or regular ways in which something happens
    Step 3: Summarize the text at a beginner level.
    A risk profile shows the likely amount of loss over a certain time using past loss information like the number and size of losses and payout habits.
  5. Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:
    [Why call them System 1 and System 2 rather than the more descriptive
    “automatic system” and “effortful system”? The reason is simple:
    “Automatic system” takes longer to say than “System 1” and therefore
    takes more space in your working memory. This matters, because
    anything that occupies your working memory reduces your ability to think.
    You should treat “System 1” and “System 2” as nicknames, like Bob and
    Joe, identifying characters that you will get to know over the course of this
    book. The fictitious systems make it easier for me to think about judgment
    and choice, and will make it easier for you to understand what I say.​] Make sure your summary is concise and clear.
    “System 1” and “System 2” are used instead of longer terms to save working memory and enhance understanding, acting as simple nicknames to help explain concepts of judgment and choice.
  6. Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:
    [ I thought my parents slept standing up.
    When their friends would come over, they’d do the same thing. As a child, I thought it was a magic trick. I didn’t know it was a reaction to heroin. I thought adults slept standing up and children slept in beds. As I got older and learnt more about the word “junk” and heroin, I realised, oh my God, they were taking a deadly drug that made them feel euphoric – that’s why they were sleeping standing up. ]
    Make sure your summary is concise and clear.
    As a child, the narrator mistakenly believed that adults naturally slept standing up, a misconception stemming from observing their parents and their friends’ unusual behavior, which was later understood to be a reaction to heroin use.
    1. As a child, the author mistakenly believed their parents and their friends slept standing up due to a “magic trick,” later realizing it was the effect of heroin use.
      سلام این هم خلاصه متن توسط chat gpt
      هست به نظرم خیلی ساده شده هست.
  7. Please summarize the following paragraph in one or two sentences, capturing the main idea and key points:
    [Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are the two most prevalent joint diseases. A such, they are important causes of
    pain and disability in a substantial proportion of the human population. A common characteristic of these diseases is the erosion of
    articular cartilage and consequently joint dysfunction. Melatonin has been proposed as a link between circadian rhythms and
    joint diseases including RA and OA. This hormone exerts a diversity of regulatory actions through binding to specific receptors and
    intracellular targets as well as having receptor-independent actions as a free radical scavenger. Cytoprotective effects of melatonin
    involve a myriad of prominent receptor-mediated pathways/molecules associated with inflammation, of which the role of
    omnipresent NF-κB signalling is crucial. Likewise, disturbance of circadian timekeeping is closely involved in the aetiology of
    inflammatory arthritis. Melatonin is shown to stimulate cartilage destruction/regeneration through direct/indirect modulation of
    the expression of the main circadian clock genes, such as BMAL, CRY and/or DEC2. In the current article, we review the effects of
    melatonin on RA and OA, focusing on its ability to regulate inflammatory pathways and circadian rhythms. We also review the
    possible protective effects of melatonin on RA and OA pathogenesis​]
    Make sure your summary is concise and clear.
    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) are common joint diseases characterized by cartilage erosion and joint dysfunction. Melatonin, which links circadian rhythms to these diseases, regulates inflammation and circadian clock genes, potentially offering protective effects against RA and OA.
      1. برای وقتی که فقط میخوام یه محتوی کلی از یه متن داشته باشم و دقت زیاد و نکات خاصی برام مهم نباشه بله برام مفید هستش
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