فهمیدن تفاوت دو کلمه مشابه انگلیسی با chatGPT (مانند tell و say)

یادگیری زبان انگلیسی می‌تواند چالش‌برانگیز باشد، به خصوص وقتی با کلماتی مشابه برخورد می‌کنیم. کلمات مشابه، کلماتی هستند که شبیه به هم نوشته یا تلفظ می‌شوند ولی معنی‌های متفاوتی دارند، یا ممکن است در عین متفاوت بودن و داشتن کاربردهای متفاوت، معنای نزدیک به هم داشته باشند. در این نوشته، با کمک ChatGPT، تفاوت دو کلمه مشابه را بررسی می‌کنیم و مثال‌هایی برای فهم بهتر ارائه می‌دهیم.

خوشبختانه chatGPT آنقدر هوشمند است که اگر فقط دو کلمه مشابه مانند say و tell را به او بدهیم، میتواند حدس بزند که احتمالاً این دو کلمه شبیه به هم برای ما گیج کننده است و باید شباهت و تفاوت آن‌ها را با مثال توضیح دهد:

اما بهتر است دستورالعمل پرامپت را هم بنویسیم تا خودش مجبور نباشد حدس بزند که خواسته ما چیست:

(Find the similar words for (WORD1) and (WORD2


Find the similar words for say and tell 

بهتر است تعدادی مثال هم در اختیارش بگذاریم تا نمونه خروجی موردنظر ما بفهمد:


**۱. Find the similar words for WORD 1 and WORD 2.**

**۲. Provide the definition and three sentences for each word at A1, A2, and B1 levels.**

**۳. Explain the similarities and differences between WORD 1 and WORD 2 with clear examples.**


**WORD 1: Happy**  
**WORD 2: Glad**

**۱. Similar Words:**
- **Happy:** joyful, cheerful, delighted
- **Glad:** pleased, content, joyful

**۲. Definitions and Sentences:**

- **Happy:**
  - **Definition:** Feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
  - **A1 Sentences:** 
    ۱. I am happy today.
    ۲. She has a happy smile.
    ۳. They are happy with their new toy.
  - **A2 Sentences:**
    ۱. I feel happy when I play with my dog.
    ۲. He was very happy about his birthday gift.
    ۳. We had a happy time at the park.
  - **B1 Sentences:**
    ۱. She seemed genuinely happy with her exam results.
    ۲. They were happy to see their old friends again.
    ۳. I am happy to help you with your project.

- **Glad:**
  - **Definition:** Feeling pleasure or happiness about something.
  - **A1 Sentences:**
    ۱. I am glad you are here.
    ۲. She is glad to see her friend.
    ۳. We are glad it’s sunny today.
  - **A2 Sentences:**
    ۱. He was glad to receive the good news.
    ۲. I am glad you enjoyed the meal.
    ۳. She is glad about her new job.
  - **B1 Sentences:**
    ۱. I’m glad you could come to the party.
    ۲. They were glad to finish their work early.
    ۳. We were glad to hear that he is feeling better.

**۳. Explanation of Similarities and Differences:**

- **Similarity:** Both "happy" and "glad" express a feeling of pleasure or contentment. For example, "I am happy you came to visit" and "I am glad you came to visit" both convey a positive emotion about the visit.

- **Difference:** "Happy" is often used to describe a more general and enduring state of contentment, while "glad" is typically used for specific instances of pleasure. For example, "She is happy with her life" implies a broader sense of contentment, whereas "She is glad she passed the test" refers to a specific event.

اگر توضیحات این پرامپت را بخوانید متوجه خواهید شد که نمونه جمله را در سطوح مختلف، تفاوت و شباهت‌های آن‌ها و تعریف این کلمات را از chatGPT خواسته‌ایم. در زیر یک مثال واقعی را هم برای این پرامپت آورده‌ایم:

مثال (تفاوت say و tell)

WORD 1: Say

WORD 2: Tell

۱. Similar Words:

  • Say: speak, utter, declare
  • Tell: inform, notify, reveal

۲. Definitions and Sentences:


  • Definition: To express something in words.
  • A1 Sentences:
  1. She can say her name.
  2. Please say “hello” to him.
  3. Can you say it again?
  • A2 Sentences:
  1. He wants to say something important.
  2. I didn’t hear what she said.
  3. You should say thank you.
  • B1 Sentences:
  1. She says that she will be late.
  2. I can’t believe what he said about the movie.
  3. They say it will rain tomorrow.


  • Definition: To communicate information to someone, often by speaking.
  • A1 Sentences:
  1. Can you tell me your name?
  2. Please tell him the news.
  3. She tells stories to her children.
  • A2 Sentences:
  1. I will tell you a secret.
  2. He told us about his trip.
  3. You should tell the teacher if you have a problem.
  • B1 Sentences:
  1. She told me she was moving to a new city.
  2. He didn’t tell them the truth about his job.
  3. Can you tell me how to get to the station?

۳. Explanation of Similarities and Differences:

Similarity: Both “say” and “tell” are used to convey spoken information. For example, “She said she was tired” and “She told me she was tired” both communicate the idea that the person expressed being tired.

Difference: “Say” is generally used to refer to the act of speaking, often without specifying the audience. For instance, “She said it was raining” does not specify who heard her. On the other hand, “tell” usually involves a specific audience and implies conveying information to someone. For example, “She told him it was raining” indicates that the information was directed at “him.” Additionally, “tell” is often used when imparting more detailed or instructive information, whereas “say” can be used more broadly for any spoken words.


  • Say: “She says she loves chocolate.”
  • Tell: “She tells her friend that she loves chocolate.”

In summary, while both words relate to verbal communication, “say” is more general, and “tell” involves a specific recipient of the information.

به کمک این پرامپت میتوانیم تفاوت بسیاری از کلمات مشابه انگلیسی را یاد بگیریم. از جمله موارد زیر:

۱. To, Two, and Too

  • To: این کلمه برای نشان دادن جهت یا هدف استفاده می‌شود.
    • مثال: I am going to the park. (من به پارک می‌روم.)
  • Two: این کلمه عدد ۲ است.
    • مثال: I have two apples. (من دو سیب دارم.)
  • Too: این کلمه به معنای “همچنین” یا “بسیار” است.
    • مثال: She is coming too. (او هم می‌آید.)
    • مثال: It is too hot. (خیلی گرم است.)

۲. There, Their, and They’re

  • There: این کلمه به یک مکان اشاره دارد.
    • مثال: The book is over there. (کتاب آنجاست.)
  • Their: این کلمه مالکیت را نشان می‌دهد و به چیزی که به آنها تعلق دارد اشاره دارد.
    • مثال: Their house is big. (خانه‌شان بزرگ است.)
  • They’re: این کلمه کوتاه شده “they are” است.
    • مثال: They’re going to the park. (آنها به پارک می‌روند.)

۳. Here and Hear

  • Here: این کلمه به یک مکان اشاره دارد.
    • مثال: Come here. (بیا اینجا.)
  • Hear: این کلمه به معنای “شنیدن” است.
    • مثال: I can hear the music. (می‌توانم موسیقی را بشنوم.)

حتی می‌توانیم از chatGPT بخواهیم که آزمون ساده‌ای را طراحی کند تا مطمئن شویم که این تفاوت‌ها را یاد گرفته‌ایم:

نمونه آزمون


جملات زیر را کامل کنید:

  1. I want ___ go to the beach.
  2. She has ___ dogs.
  3. Can you come ___?
  4. ___ going to the party tonight.
  5. I can ___ the birds singing.
  6. The students are in ___ classroom.
  7. ___ books are on the table.
  8. It is ___ cold today.


  1. to
  2. two
  3. here
  4. They’re
  5. hear
  6. their
  7. Their
  8. too

روش طراحی تمرین در ۱ دقیقه را در درس زیر یاد می‌گیریم:

طراحی تمرین و سوال زبان انگلیسی به کمک chatGPT

به کمک ChatGPT ، می‌توانید تفاوت کلمات مشابه را بهتر بفهمید و از آن‌ها به درستی در جملات استفاده کنید.


دو کلمه یا عبارت را که به نظر شما معنی یکسانی دارند یا تفاوت آن‌ها برای شما سوال است را به chatGPT بدهید و تفاوت آن‌ها را بررسی کنید. نتیجه را به عنوان تمرین، کامنت کنید.

بازگشت به: یادگیری بهتر کلمات، عبارات و جملات به کمک هوش مصنوعی


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. ### ۱. Similar Words for “Purpose,” “Aim,” “Target,” and “Goal”
    – **Purpose**: intention, reason, objective, mission, function
    – **Aim**: objective, intention, plan, aspiration, goal
    – **Target**: objective, aim, goal, mark, focus
    – **Goal**: objective, aim, ambition, aspiration, purpose
    ### ۲. Definitions and Example Sentences
    #### **Purpose**
    – **Definition:**
    – **A1:** The reason why something is done or used.
    – **A2:** What someone wants to achieve; an aim or reason for doing something.
    – **B1:** The reason for which something is made, done, or used, showing intent.
    – **B2:** A deeper reason or drive behind an action, often associated with long-term goals or higher meanings.
    – **Sentences:**
    – **A1:** The purpose of a chair is to sit on it.
    – **A2:** She studies hard with the purpose of getting a good job.
    – **B1:** The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the new project.
    – **B2:** His purpose in life is to help others.
    #### **Aim**
    – **Definition:**
    – **A1:** A result that someone tries to achieve.
    – **A2:** The action or skill of pointing a weapon or an object toward someone or something.
    – **B1:** A goal or desired outcome that someone is trying to achieve.
    – **B2:** A specific intention or objective, often indicating a clear direction or focus.
    – **Sentences:**
    – **A1:** His aim is to become a doctor.
    – **A2:** She aimed the ball at the goal.
    – **B1:** The aim of the course is to improve your English skills.
    – **B2:** Our aim is to reduce pollution in the city.
    #### **Target**
    – **Definition:**
    – **A1:** A goal that one is trying to achieve, especially in business or work.
    – **A2:** A person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.
    – **B1:** A specific goal or outcome that is aimed at within a certain time frame.
    – **B2:** A clearly defined objective, often quantifiable, that one tries to achieve.
    – **Sentences:**
    – **A1:** The company’s target is to increase sales by 20%.
    – **A2:** The archer hit the target perfectly.
    – **B1:** We met our sales target for the year.
    – **B2:** The new law targets reducing traffic accidents.
    #### **Goal**
    – **Definition:**
    – **A1:** Something that you hope to achieve, especially when much effort is needed.
    – **A2:** A point scored in a game such as soccer.
    – **B1:** An objective or ambition that someone works hard to achieve.
    – **B2:** A desired result or outcome, often longer-term, that guides actions and decisions.
    – **Sentences:**
    – **A1:** My goal is to finish my homework by tonight.
    – **A2:** She scored the winning goal in the match.
    – **B1:** His goal is to lose weight by the end of the year.
    – **B2:** The company’s long-term goal is to be the market leader.
    ### ۳. Similarities and Differences Between “Purpose,” “Aim,” “Target,” and “Goal”
    – **Similarities:**
    – All four words relate to something one wants to achieve or accomplish.
    – They can be used interchangeably in many contexts where achieving something specific is discussed.
    – They all involve intention, direction, or focus towards achieving a particular result.
    – **Differences:**
    – **Purpose** refers to the underlying reason or motivation behind an action. It is broader and often associated with long-term goals or the “why” behind something.
    – *Example:* The purpose of education is to empower individuals to think critically.
    – **Aim** is more specific and refers to the action or process of trying to achieve something. It often implies a directed effort towards a goal.
    – *Example:* The aim of the project is to develop a new software application.
    – **Target** often refers to a specific, measurable outcome that one intends to reach. It is commonly used in business or in tasks that have clear metrics.
    – *Example:* The sales team set a target to sell 100 units this month.
    – **Goal** is a broader term that can refer to both long-term and short-term objectives. It usually implies something that one aspires to achieve.
    – *Example:* Her goal is to run a marathon next year.
    – **Examples of Use in Context:**
    – *Purpose:* The purpose of the research is to find a cure for the disease.
    – *Aim:* My aim is to finish this book by the end of the month.
    – *Target:* We have a target to reduce waste by 30% this year.
    – *Goal:* His goal is to become fluent in Spanish.
    In summary, while all these terms involve achieving something, **purpose** is about the “why,” **aim** is about the “how,” **target** is the “what” in a measurable sense, and **goal** is the “what” in a broader sense.
    پرامپتی که دادم این بود.
    **۱. Find the similar words for purpose, aim, target and goal.**
    **۲. Provide the definition and three sentences for each word at A1, A2, B1 and B2 levels.**
    **۳. Explain the similarities and differences between purpose, aim, target and goal with clear examples.**
  2. با درود:
    این نشون میده که چگونه هوش مصنوعی می‌تونه منبع ارزشمندی برای شفاف‌سازی تفاوت‌های زبانی و ارائه تجربیات یادگیری شخصی‌شده باشه. رویکرد ساختارمندی که در متن بیان شده – تعریف کلمات، ارائه مثال ها، و توضیح شباهت ها و تفاوت ها – از نظر آموزشی عالیه و می تونه درک زبان آموز از ظرافت های زبان را تا حد زیادی افزایش بده.
    از این درس بشدت لذت بردم
    فکر کنم دیگه به استاد نیاز ندارم😅(البته این یه شوخی بود)
  3. WORD 1: Bad
    WORD 2: Terrible
    WORD 3: Awful
    ۱. Similar Words:
    Bad: Poor, Unpleasant, Unfavorable
    Terrible: Horrible, Dreadful, Atrocious
    Awful: Horrible, Appalling, Dreadful
    ۲. Definitions and Sentences:
    Definition: Of poor quality or low standard; not good.
    A1 Sentences:
    The weather is bad today.
    I had a bad day at school.
    This food tastes bad.
    A2 Sentences:
    He felt bad about forgetting her birthday.
    The movie was really bad, and I didn’t enjoy it.
    She had a bad experience at the dentist.
    B1 Sentences:
    The company had a bad year and lost money.
    The bad news affected everyone in the office.
    His bad behavior in class got him into trouble.
    Definition: Extremely bad or serious.
    A1 Sentences:
    The food tasted terrible.
    The storm was terrible last night.
    She felt terrible after the accident.
    A2 Sentences:
    The test was terrible; it was very difficult.
    He has a terrible headache.
    They experienced terrible weather on their trip.
    B1 Sentences:
    It was a terrible mistake, and it caused a lot of problems.
    The terrible news shocked the whole town.
    The service at the restaurant was terrible and slow.
    Definition: Very bad or unpleasant.
    A1 Sentences:
    The weather is awful today.
    I feel awful about what happened.
    The movie was awful.
    A2 Sentences:
    She made an awful mistake at work.
    The room smelled awful.
    He had an awful day at school.
    B1 Sentences:
    The situation at the airport was awful with all the delays.
    The awful traffic made me late for the meeting.
    She felt awful about forgetting her friend’s birthday.
    ۳. Explanation of Similarities and Differences:
    Similarity: “Bad,” “terrible,” and “awful” are all used to describe something negative or of poor quality. For example, “The food was bad,” “The food was terrible,” and “The food was awful” all indicate that the food was not enjoyable.
    Bad is a general term that can describe anything of poor quality or unpleasantness. It can refer to minor inconveniences or problems. For instance, “bad weather” can mean rain or slight inconvenience.
    Terrible is a stronger word than “bad,” often used to describe situations or experiences that are particularly unpleasant or serious. For example, “The storm was terrible” suggests it was severe and possibly dangerous.
    Awful is similar to “terrible” but can also imply a sense of moral or emotional discomfort. It often conveys a sense of shock or horror, as in “The news was awful.”
    In summary, while all three words can describe negative experiences, “bad” is more general, “terrible” emphasizes severity, and “awful” often conveys a sense of shock or moral judgment.
  4. Fall Down:
    Definition: To lose one’s balance and collapse to the ground or to physically break apart and fall down.
    A1 Level: She fell down at school today.
    A2 Level: The house looked as if it were going to fall down at any moment.
    B1 Level: The deal fell down because there were a lot of unanswered questions1.
    Fall Over:
    Definition: To lose one’s balance and collapse to the ground.
    A1 Level: I felt so dizzy that I fell over.
    A2 Level: Critics fell over themselves to compliment him.
    B1 Level: Just as I walked past, the whole display wobbled and fell over2.
    Similarities and Differences:
    Both involve losing balance and collapsing.
    They describe physical actions resulting in falling.
    “Fall down” can also refer to something breaking apart, while “fall over” specifically relates to losing balance.
    “Fall down” can be used metaphorically (e.g., a deal falling through), whereas “fall over” is more literal.
    “Fall over” is more commonly used for people, while “fall down” can apply to objects or structures.
    1. would you please provide me with a fill in the blank quiz including ten sentences for phrasal verbs fall down and fall over .
      سلام مهرآسا جان من این رو به عنوان پرامپت دادم و جوابش هم این بود.
      Sure, here’s a fill-in-the-blank quiz with ten sentences that use the phrasal verbs “fall down” and “fall over”:
      ۱. The toddler _ _ while learning to walk. (fall down / fall over)
      ۲. Be careful not to _ _ the stairs! (fall down / fall over)
      ۳. The tree _ _ during the storm. (fall down / fall over)
      ۴. He slipped on the ice and _ _. (fall down / fall over)
      ۵. The child _ _ and scraped her knee. (fall down / fall over)
      ۶. The vase _ _ when the cat jumped on the table. (fall down / fall over)
      ۷. I stumbled on the threshold and _ _. (fall down / fall over)
      ۸. The old fence is about to _ _. (fall down / fall over)
      ۹. The athlete tripped and _ _ during the race. (fall down / fall over)
      ۱۰. The house of cards _ _ when the wind blew. (fall down / fall over)
      Remember, “fall down” typically describes a downward or vertical fall, while “fall over” often suggests a sideways or horizontal collapse.
      1. این برای صورت محدود جواب میده اما من می‌خوام بهش لیستی از کلمات بدم که تمرینات متنوع بهم ارایه بده متناسب با سطحم و بعد هم پاسخ ها رو بده اینو نوشتم ولی خوب جواب نمیده
        Create 20 vocabulary exercises at the B1 English level. The exercises will focus on the following words: [List of words].
        Ensure each word has an even distribution of exercises across all question formats (multiple-choice, fill in the blanks, sentence completion).
        Provide an answer key at the end of the exercises for each word.
        Randomize the order of exercises for each word.
        Focus on general vocabulary exercises without specific themes or contexts.
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