داستان Sam و Maria-قسمت چهارم-the window of my friend’s car

قسمت قبل


As the sun rose, Sam and Maria climbed down from their treehouse. They saw the zombies still nearby.

One zombie held a shiny key. “This is the key of my friend’s house,” he said. The zombies wanted to help.

Sam recognized the zombie leader. “This is my friend, Jack. He turned into a zombie when a bad zombie attacked him,” Sam explained to Maria. “But he kept his good heart and mind.”

Maria nodded, understanding. “Jack, we are glad you’re with us.”

Sam showed the zombies a compass. “This is the compass of my grandfather’s collection,” he said. Maria brought out a map. “This is the map of my brother’s treasure hunt,” she added.

They all worked as a team. “This is the idea of my friend’s plan,” Maria said, pointing to a hidden path on the map. The zombies followed closely.

After a long walk, they found the treasure chest. The leader of the zombies smiled. “Your kindness is like the love of my mother’s heart,” he said.

Sam and Maria felt proud. They had new friends and a new adventure. “This is the best day ever,” Sam said.

To be continued

در زیر داستان را دوباره خط به خط می‌خوانیم تا به کمک تصاویر آن را بهتر متوجه شویم.

As the sun rose, Sam and Maria climbed down from their treehouse. They saw the zombies still nearby.

One zombie held a shiny key. “This is the key of my friend’s house,” he said. The zombies wanted to help.

Sam recognized the zombie leader. “This is my friend, Jack. He turned into a zombie when a bad zombie attacked him,” Sam explained to Maria. “But he kept his good heart and mind.”

Maria nodded, understanding. “Jack, we are glad you’re with us.”

Sam showed the zombies a compass. “This is the compass of my grandfather’s collection,” he said. Maria brought out a map. “This is the map of my brother’s treasure hunt,” she added.

They all worked as a team. “This is the idea of my friend’s plan,” Maria said, pointing to a hidden path on the map. The zombies followed closely.

After a long walk, they found the treasure chest. The leader of the zombies smiled. “Your kindness is like the love of my mother’s heart,” he said.

Sam and Maria felt proud. They had new friends and a new adventure. “This is the best day ever,” Sam said.

To be continued


در این داستان، جملات و عبارات زیادی وجود دارد که هر کدام شامل نگات گرامری متعددی هستند اما تمرکز ما روی این گرامر بود:

the window of my friend’s car


۱- چه بخشهایی از داستان را متوجه نشدید؟

۲- چه عباراتی شبیه به عبارت مدنظر ما در این داستان دیدید؟


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. the key of my friend’s house
    this is the compass of my father’s collection
    this is the map of my brother’s treasure hunt
    the idea of my friend’s plan
    love of my mother’s hurt
  2. وقتی گوش دادم مرجع ضمیر این جمله را فکر کردم سم هست.
    “This is the key of my friend’s house,” he said
    این جمله رو هم متوجه نمی‌شم.
    This is the idea of my friend’s plan,”
    و جواب pi
    In the sentence, “This is the idea of my friend’s plan,” it means the person is talking about the “seed” or main thought behind their friend’s set of instructions or strategy. They’re discussing the initial spark that led to the creation of the plan.
    داستان رو متوجه شدم ولی کمی هم نامفهوم و گنگ بنظرم میاد.
    So, while “idea” and “plan” might be connected, they’re not the same thing. The idea comes first, and then the plan is created to bring that idea to life.
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