داستان Sam و Maria-قسمت دوم-such a terrible life

در قسمت قبل، داستان “دوستان واقعاً خوب” و “زامبی‌های بسیار باهوش” را خواندیم.

داستان Sam و Maria-قسمت اول-One beautifully sunny day

در بخش بعدی این داستان، خواهیم دید که سام و ماریا چه زندگی وحشتناکی (such a terrible life) داشته‌اند:

۲- متن (کلیک کنید)

As the sun went down, the forest grew quiet, except for the sound of footsteps drawing closer. Sam and Maria looked worried as they heard zombies approaching.

Sam and Maria were so scared, facing such a big danger. they had to move quickly. But with each passing minute, things were getting worse.

They knew those zombies well—they had been following Sam and Maria since childhood, making life such a frightening experience for them all the time.

It was such a frightening situation!
They tried to run, but the zombies closed in, looking hungry and mean. It was such
a frightening situation, being trapped in the dark with no way out.

To be continued

اجازه بدهید دوباره این داستان را خط به خط بخوانیم:

As the sun went down, the forest grew quiet, except for the sound of footsteps drawing closer. Sam and Maria looked worried as they heard zombies approaching.

Sam and Maria were so scared, facing such a big danger. they had to move quickly. But with each passing minute, things were getting worse.

They knew those zombies well

they had been following Sam and Maria since childhood, making life such a frightening experience for them all the time.

They tried to run, but the zombies closed in, looking hungry and mean. It was such a frightening situation, being trapped in the dark with no way out.

To be continued…


در این داستان، جملات و عبارات زیادی وجود دارد که هر کدام شامل نگات گرامری متعددی هستند اما تمرکز ما روی این گرامر بود:

گرامر “such a terrible life”


۱- چه بخشهایی از داستان را متوجه نشدید؟

۲- چه عباراتی شبیه به such a terrible life در این داستان دیدید؟


نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

  1. متوجه شدن قسمت دوم داستان برام سخت تر از قسمت اول بود و تا متن را نخواندم متوجه نشدم،در این قسمت هم حدود ۱۰ لغت را بلد نبودم
    لطفا در خصوص تمرین لیسینینگ راهنمایی بفرمایید
    عبارات مشابه گرامر در متن:

    such a big danger
    such a frightening experience
    such a frightening situation

  2. من با گوش دادن به داستان متوجه داستان نمیشم. حتما باید متن رو هم بخونم. لغتهایی که نمیدونستمو نگاه کردم و بعدش. با خوندن متن متوجه داستان شدم.
    Things were getting worse. به معنی اوضاع بدتر شدو متوجه نشدم و معنی کل عبارتو سرچ کردم. وجود لغت drawingرو هم نفهمیدم چرا در انتهای جمله اول اومده

    Such a bog danger.
    such a frightening experience.
    such a frightening situation.

  3. In this sentence, “closed in” means that the zombies were getting nearer or surrounding the people who were trying to run. The phrase “closed in” is often used to describe a situation where something or someone is moving closer, usually from multiple directions, and creating a sense of being trapped or cornered.

    من مفهوم
    closed in
    رو متوجه نشدم و از pi
    پرسیدم. این جواب بود.

    1. معنیش شبیه close هست اما یک phrasal verb هست وقتی in اضافه میکنیم اشاره مون به این هست که اینها دارن نزدیک میشن و وارد یه محوطه داخلی میشن
      تعریف کمبریج:
      to gradually get nearer to someone
      > Police closed in on the demonstrators.

      البته توضیحی هم که پای داده کاملاً گویاست و ابهام رو رفع میکنه

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