داستانهایی با ۵۰۰ کلمه
اعدادی که برای داستانها نوشته شده به معنی دایره لغات است. برای مثال داستان با ۵۰۰ کلمه یعنی داستانی که متناسب با سطحیست که دایره لغات آن ۵۰۰ کلمه است.
پس این اعداد تعداد کلمات داستان را نشان نمی دهند. در محاسبه سرعت خواندن لطفاً این نکته را در نظر داشته باشید.
تعداد کلمات هر یک از داستانهای زیر ۳۰۰ است.
۱. Peach Boy
۲. How Māui slowed the sun
۳. The tortoise and the hare
۴. The king’s new clothes
۵. A man, his son and a donkey
۶. The Christmas presents
۷. Stone soup
۸. The boy who cried wolf
۹. The 1001 nights
۱۰. The fox and the crow
۱۱. Tom and the fence
۱۲.The rat catcher
۱۳. The man who worried too much
۱۴. Going home
۱۵. Ondal and the kings daughter
۱۶. Frida and the animals
۱۷. The party
۱۸. Where did coffee come from?
۱۹.Beautiful men
۲۰.The last straw that broke the camel‘s back
۱. Peach Boy
A long time ago in Japan, an old man and an old woman lived in a little house
by a river. They were happy except for one thing. They didn’t have any
One day the old man said, “I’m going to cut down a tree for the fire”. The old
woman said, “I’m going to the river to wash the clothes”.
While the old woman was washing the clothes, she saw a big peach coming
down the river. The old woman thought the peach would be very good to eat
so she caught it and took it home. When the old people cut the peach open, a
little boy jumped out of the middle. They were happy and they called him
Peach Boy.
Peach Boy was a happy child and the family lived together for many years. One
day the old woman said, “Our boy is now a man”.
Some bad people lived a long way from the little town. Every year, they came
and took all the money from the people. The people were very scared of them.
Peach Boy thought to himself, “I’m going to kill the bad people”. He left home
with some food his mother made for him. On the way he saw a dog. The dog
said, give me some food and I’ll help you kill the bad people. So he did. Next he
saw a monkey and the same thing happened. Then they saw a bird. Peach Boy
gave the bird some food and they all started on their way to find the bad
When they got there, the bad people fought hard, but the four friends were
very smart and in the end, they killed them all. The friends took all the money
back to the people and everyone was happy.
۲. How Māui slowed the sun
One day, Māui and his brothers were making their food. Then everything was
black because the sun went away. They couldn’t see what they were doing.
Māui was not happy. He said “Why does the sun move so fast? We don’t have
time in the day to do all our work. I’m going to catch the sun and teach it how
to go across the sky slowly”.
His brothers said he couldn’t catch the sun because it was too big and too hot.
Māui said “I have done many hard things and I can do this thing too.” The
people thought about this and they all said they would help him.
The next day all the people made a lot of big ropes. Then they started to go to
where the sun first gets up in the morning. After 12 days they saw a very big
hole in the ground. It was night and they saw that the sun was sleeping in the
hole. They got the ropes and said, “Soon we will catch the sun and make it
slow down.”
The next morning, when the sun tried to climb up into the sky, all the people
caught it in the ropes and wouldn’t let it go. The sun was very hot and very
unhappy but Māui told the sun to slow down. At first the sun would not slow
down and tried to go faster, but in the end, Māui hit it with his stick many
times and the sun slowed down. The sun went slowly up into the sky and from
that day the sun moved slowly across the sky and the days were longer. The
people had time to do all their work and they were happy.
This is the story of how Māui slowed the sun.
۳. The tortoise and the hare
Many years ago there was a very fast hare. His name was Hare. Hare was
always talking about how fast he could run. He talked about himself so much
that all the other animals got tired of his talking.
There was a very slow tortoise too. The tortoise’s name was Slow and Steady.
One day Slow and Steady got tired of Hare’s talking and said to him, “Let’s
have a race.” Then Hare said, “How can you run faster than me? I am the
fastest animal. It will be nothing for me to win the race.” Slow and Steady said,
“I will do my best.”
On the day of the race, all the animals came to watch. They were interested to
see who would win the race.
Hare and Slow and Steady stood in line and somebody said, “Go!”
Hare started running very fast. He ran hard and soon he couldn’t see the
tortoise. After a short time, Hare started to get sleepy so he stopped. He said
to himself, “I can run much faster than Slow and Steady. I’m going to have a
sleep.” He lay down and went to sleep.
Slow and steady walked and walked. She walked and walked and she never
stopped walking until she got to the end of the race. All the animals were very
happy. They ran to Hare and said, “Get up! Get up!”
Hare got up and started running, but he was too late. Slow and Steady had
already won the race.
Hare was very unhappy and said to himself, “I will never talk about how fast I
can run again.”
This story tells us that slow and steady wins the race. This means that if you
keep going and never give up, you will do what you want to do.
۴. The king’s new clothes
A long time ago, there was a king who loved to have beautiful new clothes.
Every day he wore different new clothes and he used all his money to buy new
One day two bad men came to the town. They saw how much the king loved
clothes and they thought they could get a lot of money. They told the king that
they could make very beautiful clothes. Not only were the clothes beautiful,
but they were magic too. The magic was this. Only good people could see the
clothes. Bad people could not see them.
The bad men could not really make magic clothes and they didn’t make any
clothes at all. But, the king thought they were telling the truth. He was very
happy. He thought to himself, “This is very good. Now I can find out which of
my people are good and which of my people are bad”.
The two bad men said they were working very hard day and night. They always
needed more money to buy everything for the magic clothes.
After many days of waiting, the clothes were done. But when the bad men
showed the king his new clothes, he couldn’t see anything.
“Oh, no, this is not good!” he thought to himself. “I really am a very bad
But he didn’t want anyone to know he was a bad person so he said, “Oh, my
new clothes are very beautiful!”
Then the king had to put on his beautiful new clothes and go and talk with all
his people. First, all the people said how beautiful the clothes were. Then a
very little girl called out. “The king isn’t wearing any clothes.” Then everyone
started calling out, “The king hasn’t got any clothes on.”
And they were right.
۵. A man, his son and a donkey
One day, a man and his son were taking their donkey to the town close to their
house. They were going to sell the donkey in the town. As they were walking to
the town, a person said to them, “Why don’t you ride on the donkey”. So the
man put his boy onto the donkey and they started walking again.
Soon, they came to some more people and they said, “What a bad boy! He
lets his father walk while he is riding the donkey.” So the man made the boy
get down and he climbed onto the donkey’s back and they started walking
Soon they came to some more people who said, “Look at that bad man! He
makes his son walk while he rides.” The man didn’t know what to do. After
thinking for a long time he said to the boy, “Get up on the donkey with me.
We will both ride to town on the donkey.”
When they came to the town, a lot of people saw them and said, “Look at
those big people riding on the back of the little donkey.” So the man and his
son got off the donkey and sat down to think about what to do. At last they
thought they would carry the donkey so they got some rope and put it around
the donkey’s feet. The man and the boy started to carry the donkey. At the
time they were walking by a river. The donkey was too much for them and it
fell into the river and died. Both the man and the boy were very unhappy. They
had to go home with no donkey and no money.
The meaning of the story: If you try to make everybody happy, you will make
nobody happy.
۶. The Christmas presents
A young man and a young woman lived in New York. They were in love and
they got married. The young woman had beautiful long hair. The young man
loved her beautiful long hair and every day he looked at it and thought how
beautiful she was.
The young man owned an old watch which his father had given him many
years ago. The young man loved his father’s watch. It was his favourite thing.
The young people were very happy but they didn’t have very much money.
It was the day before Christmas and the young woman was unhappy because
she had no money to buy her man a Christmas present. She knew he loved his
watch but he couldn’t wear it because the strap was broken.
“What can I do?” she thought. After thinking for a long time she said to herself,
“I know. I will cut off my hair and sell it. I can get a lot of money for my hair.
Then I can buy a new strap for his watch.”
She cut off her hair and took it to a woman who bought it. Then she bought
the watch strap for her man. She went home and waited for him to come
home from work. She didn’t want him to be unhappy when he saw her.
She heard the door open and he said “Happy Christmas.” He was very
surprised to see her short hair.
They gave each other their Christmas presents. When they saw the presents
they looked at each other. He had sold his watch to buy a beautiful comb for
her hair. She had cut off her hair and sold it to buy a strap for his watch.
They were both so happy because they knew how much they loved each other.
۷. Stone soup
A long time ago, two friends were walking to the next little town. They had
been walking and looking for work for a long time. It was hard to find work in
those times. They were hungry and they didn’t have any money or any food.
They were tired and they didn’t have a place to sleep.
At night, they came to the little town but they couldn’t see any people. All the
people of the town were sleeping in their beds. The two friends found a place
in the middle of the town and lay down and went to sleep. In the morning
they were very hungry so they took out their cooking pot, and put water into it
and put it on the fire. They put some stones in the cooking pot and they
waited. Soon the people of the town got out of their beds and came outside.
They looked at the two people and their fire.
“What are you cooking?” someone asked.
“Stone soup” they said. “It will be very good, but . . . it would be better if it had
some chicken.”
One of the women said, “I’ve got some chicken.” And she ran to her house to
get it. The two friends put the chicken into the soup and then they tried a little
of the soup.
“Much better.” They said. “But . . . it would be better if it had some potatoes.”
Someone said, “I’ve got three potatoes”, and ran off to get the potatoes.
Slowly all the people thought of something they could put into the soup and
they all ran back to their houses to get more food.
In the end, there was soup for all the people of the town as well as the two
hungry happy friends.
۸. The boy who cried wolf
A long time ago, there was a boy. His work was to look after the sheep every
day. All the children had to look after the sheep every day. This boy really
didn’t like his work because all day long, he had to sit and watch the sheep. If
he didn’t watch them, they ran away and got lost. Day after day he sat and
watched the sheep. He thought, “I want something interesting to happen to
me. I’m tired of doing the same thing every day.”
One day he thought to himself, “I know what I’ll do. I’ll tell all the other
children that I can see a very big wolf, and I’ll say that the wolf is going to eat
my sheep.”
He stood up and cried out, “Help! Help! There is a big wolf and it’s going to eat
all my sheep”. All the other children left their sheep and ran over to help the
boy. But there was no wolf. The other children were very angry with him. They
said, “Don’t tell lies.” They went back to look after their sheep.
The next day, the same thing happened. “Help! Help!” cried the boy. All the
other children ran to him as fast as they could. Again they saw that the boy had
told them a lie. There was no wolf.
The next day, the boy was sitting looking at his sheep. He looked up and saw a
big hungry wolf running at him.
“Help! Help!” he cried out. “There is a wolf and it is going to eat me!”
He called and called but nobody came. They all thought he was telling lies
The wolf ate the boy and that is the end of the story.
The meaning of the story is: Don’t tell lies!
۹. The 1001 nights
A long time ago there was a king and queen in Arabia. For some time, they
were happy but one day the queen ran away with another man. The king was
very angry. He caught the queen and the man and killed them both. After that,
he married a different woman every day. The next day she was killed, and he
married another woman.
He had killed 1000 woman before he found Scheherazade. At first, her father
said, “No. You will not marry the king because the next day you will die and I
will never see you again.” But Scheherazade was a very smart woman. She said
she would stay with the king for one night.
When that night came, she asked the king if her sister could stay with them
because she wanted to say her last goodbye to her and to tell her a story. The
king said yes.
That night, Scheherazade, started to tell her story. It was a very interesting
story and a very long story. The king and her sister listened all night, but then
they saw it was morning. Scheherazade stopped before she got to the end of
the story. The king said, “Please don’t stop your story”, but she said there was
no time because the king had to kill her.
The king really wanted to hear what happened at the end of the story so he
said he wouldn’t kill her until the next day. That night Scheherazade told the
end of the first story, and started the second story. By morning, she had only
told half the story so the king had to let her live for another day.
After 1001 stories and 1001 nights, the king fell in love with Scheherazade and
they lived happily together for many years.
۱۰. The fox and the crow
One morning, a fox was walking through the trees looking for something to eat
for her breakfast. She was very hungry but she couldn’t find any food. As she
was walking, she looked up and saw a crow sitting in a tree. The crow had a
piece of cheese in his mouth.
“Yes!” said the fox. “Here is my breakfast.”
“Good morning, beautiful crow”, she said. The crow looked at the fox but he
did not open his mouth. He did not let go of the little bit of cheese.
“What a beautiful black colour you are”, she said. “What beautiful black eyes
you have.” The crow did not open his mouth because he did not want to lose
his breakfast.
“You are the most beautiful bird in the land”, said the fox. “You are the king of
the land.” The crow really wanted to be the king of the land, but he really
wanted to eat his piece of cheese, so he didn’t open his mouth.
The fox sat down and thought. Then she said. “I know you are beautiful, but I
don’t know if you have a beautiful song.” When the fox said this, the crow
opened his mouth to sing. He wanted to show the fox that he could sing a
beautiful song. The piece of cheese fell out of his mouth and into the open
mouth of the fox waiting under the tree.
The fox ate the cheese and said “Thank you very much, Crow. You are not
really beautiful and you are not very smart”. The crow was very unhappy and
hungry because he had lost his breakfast.
The meaning of the story is: Don’t listen to people who say nice things about
you, when they really only want to take something away from you.
۱۱. Tom and the fence
A long time ago in America, there was a boy called Tom. He lived with his aunt
in a very little town by a very big river. One day, his aunt said, “Tom, please go
and do your work? Tom said, “I don’t want to do my work. I want to go to the
river with my friends”. His aunt said, “Please do your work now!” She was
starting to get angry.
Tom’s work was to paint the fence. He really didn’t want to do it, but he really
didn’t want to make his aunt angry. Tom went outside and sat down next to
the fence. After a while he got up and started painting the fence. He worked
as hard as he could. He tried to look happy and he sang a happy song.
Soon one of his friends came by. He said, “Ha ha! Tom has to paint the fence!”
Tom said, “HAVE to paint the fence? No! I LOVE painting the fence. It is my
favourite thing. Only really smart people can paint a fence”. He went on
painting the fence singing happily to himself.
“Can I try?” said his friend. “Oh no” said Tom. “You are not smart. You couldn’t
do it”
“Please let me try. Please. Please. Please! I’ll give you my apple.”
Tom took the apple and sat down while his friend worked as hard as he could.
Soon their other friends came by, and they all wanted to paint the fence.
When Tom’s aunt came outside, she saw that the fence had been painted
three times. She was surprised, but she said, “You are a good boy, Tom. I will
make your favourite – apple pie – for dinner.”
Tom thought about the five apples he had eaten that day. He wasn’t hungry.
۱۲. The rat catcher
It was 1842 in a little town by a river in Germany. There were many rats in the
town and people were getting sick and dying because of the rats. The people of
the town didn’t know what to do. One day, a man came to the town. He said
he could make all the rats run after him by playing music. The people of the
town were happy and they said they would give him a lot of money.
He started playing music and all the rats came out of the houses and ran after
him to the river. When they came to the river, all the rats jumped into the
water and died.
At first, the people of the town were very happy, but when the rat catcher
asked them for the money, they were not so happy. They talked about what to
do for a long time and in the end they said they would only give the rat catcher
half of his money. The rat catcher was very angry and said, “You will all be very
The rat catcher left the town, but the next day he came back. There were no
people in the streets. All the mothers and fathers were in church. He started
playing his music again, but this time all the children ran after him to the river.
Only three children didn’t go with him. One child had a bad foot and couldn’t
walk, one could not hear the music. The other couldn’t see so she couldn’t go
with them. When the people came out of the church, the three children told
them the story. All the people cried out and started looking everywhere for
their children. They couldn’t find them. The children and the rat catcher were
never seen again.
۱۳. The man who worried too much
A long time ago in China, there was a man called Yoyo who worried about
everything. He worried that he didn’t have a lot of money. He worried that his
children wouldn’t study hard. He worried that his family would not have any
food and that they would get sick. He worried there would not be any water
and everything would die. He worried about his animals and about his work.
He worried that his house would catch fire. Yoyo worried about everything and
he couldn’t stop worrying.
One day, after he had eaten a good dinner with his family, he was sitting
outside his house. He looked up into the sky and saw the stars. He started to
get worried that the stars would fall down on his head. The stars were so big!
How could they stay up in the sky? Why didn’t they fall down onto his head?
The man sat and looked at the night sky and he got more and more worried.
He called out to his friends and family.
“Come here! Come here!” he said, “The stars are going to fall down on my
head! Please, help me. What can we do?”
All his friends and family came to him. They all tried to talk to him and tell him
that there was nothing to worry about. The stars had been in the sky for many
years. They were not going to fall from the sky.
The man could not stop himself worrying. He worried and worried. There was
nothing his friends could do to help him. In the end, he got very sick from all
his worrying and died.
The meaning of the story is: Don’t worry too much. Life isn’t all about bad
things. Don’t worry about things that will never happen.
۱۴. Going home
In 1961, Sheila Burnford wrote a book about three animals that walked almost
۵۰۰ kilometres to get back to their old home. In 1963, it was made into a
The story happened in Canada. Two dogs and a cat lived happily with their
family for many years. One day the family had to go away for three months.
While they were away, the animals stayed with a good friend of the family,
John, who lived in a little town about 500 kilometres away.
The three animals liked living with John, but one day he had to go away so he
asked his friends to look after them. Soon after John went away in his car, the
animals started their long walk home.
Many bad things happened to them on their way home. A fast car almost ran
them over. The old dog got tired and slowed down, so they always had to stop
to sleep. The young dog took some food from some people who got very angry
and chased them. After that, they only walked at night and slept in the day so
no one would see them. Then they came to a river. The two dogs swam across
but the cat fell into the river. The dogs thought the cat had died but a week
later they found her next to the river. She was very cold and sick. After she got
better, they started walking again.
When the family came home three months later, they were very unhappy. But
a week later, they heard something outside. They went outside and saw their
three lovely animal friends.
This is not a true story, but if you look on the internet you can see many true
stories about animals that have walked a long way to get home.
۱۵. Ondal and the king’s daughter
A long time ago in Korea, there was a man called Ondal. He lived with his
mother. Everyone thought he was not very smart. Children called him bad
names. No one wanted to marry him. But he was a good kind man and he was
big and strong.
The king had a beautiful daughter. When she was young she was sometimes a
bad girl and didn’t do what her mother and father told her. When she was bad,
her father said, “If you are a bad girl, I will make you marry Ondal when you
are older.”
Many young men wanted to marry her but she always said no. One day her
father asked her why she always said no to the young men. She said. “When I
was young, you always told me that I would marry Ondal, so I will marry him.”
The king was very angry with his daughter and said, “You can’t marry Ondal!”
But the girl said, “You told me I would marry Ondal and I will marry him.”
The king told her to leave his house.
She went to look for Ondal. She lived with Ondal and his mother. No one knew
she was the king’s daughter. After some time they got married. They loved
each other very much. She taught him to read and write and how to ride a
horse and fight.
One day the king was looking for a big, strong, smart man to help him. Many
men wanted to help the king but the king liked one man. Later he found out
that the man was Ondal. The king was very happy and asked his daughter,
Ondal and his mother to come and live with him.
Ondal was known as the biggest, strongest, smartest and kindest man in the
۱۶. Frida and the animals
Not so long ago, there was a little girl called Frida. She lived in a big town with
her two mothers called Jenny and Olivia. When Frida was a little girl, she loved
animals. She had a lovely black and white cat and a lovely little dog. Every day
she looked after them. She gave them their food and she took her little dog for
a walk while her cat slept on her bed. When Frida was 12 years old, she said to
her mothers, “I love animals so much I want to be an animal doctor when I am
older”. Her mothers were very happy when they heard this because they loved
animals too.
Frida studied hard every day because only the very best students could be
animal doctors. By this time, Frida’s lovely cat and lovely dog were getting very
old. One day when she came home from school, she saw her lovely dog lying
very still with the cat very close to her. That night she cried herself to sleep.
The next morning, her cat had died too. All the family cried together, but it
made Frida want to be an animal doctor more than ever.
After she left school, she had to study hard for another six years. She studied
and studied and at last she was an animal doctor.
Frida started her work. Every day she helped many cats and dogs and other
animals too. Soon she was well known in the town.
One day, someone from TV came to talk to Frida. She wanted to show
everyone about Frida’s work. Frida was surprised and happy.
Now Frida lives in a beautiful little house with her new cat. Every Saturday,
Jenny and Olivia come over for dinner and they all watch Frida on TV together.
۱۷. The party
Last Saturday, I went to a party. My friends’ daughter, Betty, and her
boyfriend, John, are going to get married. I have known Betty from when she
was born 26 years ago and I have been friends with her parents for a lot longer
than that. Betty and John have been going out together for about three years.
They held a big party for all their friends and family. They had a BBQ and
everyone brought their favourite food to eat with everyone. Some people
brought food from their own countries for everyone to try. Everyone brought
their own drinks as well.
The party was held at John’s house. He bought the house about six months
ago. It is an old house and needs a lot of work, but he is a builder so he can do
everything. His builder friends are going to help him.
At the party there were many different people to talk to. Betty’s parents aren’t
married. They don’t eat meat so they couldn’t have any BBQ. Betty’s sister
couldn’t come because she is away studying in another town. Betty is a teacher
so her teacher friends came and her Church friends were there too. John’s
mother, who lives close to his house, came to the party but his father couldn’t
come because he lives in America now with his new family. But his parents,
John’s grandparents, came. All his work friends were there. There were lots of
aunties and uncles and even a little dog.
The party started at 4 and ended late. I don’t know what time it ended because
the older people left at about 8. The young ones stayed till . . .
Betty and John are going to get married in six months. That will be a very good
party too.
۱۸. Where did coffee come from?
A long long time ago in a country called Ethiopia there was a man who had a
lot of goats. He got up at 5 every day and he took his goats to the hills to find
food. One day, some of the goats started eating something from some trees.
The man saw that these goats looked happier than the other goats, and they
were running around a lot and playing. He looked at the happy goats and he
looked at the trees. There were little red berries on the trees. He thought, “I’m
going to eat one of those red berries”. He ate one berry and then another and
another. Soon, the man started to feel happy and he didn’t feel tired anymore.
He put a lot of the berries into a little box and took them back to the people of
his town. They all tried the little red berries and soon they started to feel very
happy too. “Now, I don’t feel tired at all”, they said.
The people of the town said, “If we cook the berries in water they might be
even better.” They got some water and put some berries into the water and
then they put the cooking pot onto the fire. Soon they started to smell a very
good smell. They drank the water and it was very good. Everyone in the town
wanted to try the new drink.
That was the first time anyone drank . . .
“We need a name for the new drink. What will we call it?” the people said.
Someone said, “The name of our town is Kaffa. Let’s call the new drink Kaffa!
So they did. That was many years ago and now we call the drink coffee and it
is loved by people everywhere.
۱۹. Beautiful Men
A long time ago, there was a little town on an island in the Pacific. The town
didn’t have many men. The women of the town wanted to find more men but
they didn’t know how they could do it.
Every day, the young women got up at 6. They got into their boats and went to
catch fish. An old woman lived by the boat place. When she saw the young
women, she said “Stop and talk with me. I will give you food”. But the young
women would not stop and talk with her. Every day was the same.
One day, some different young women walked by. “Come and eat with me”,
the old woman said. These women stopped to talk. While they were eating,
the old woman asked, “Why are you so unhappy?” The young woman told her
their story.
“I will help you”, she said. “When you go out in your boat, take some of the
new leaves from this tree. When you get to the fishing place turn the boat
over. You will get a surprise.”
The young women did what she said and they were very surprised because
when they looked at the boat, they saw some beautiful young men. They were
all very happy.
The other unkind young women of the town were not happy at all. They ran to
the old woman and said, “Tell us what to do now!”
The old woman told them to pick some old leaves from the tree and put them
into their boat. They did what she said, but when they looked at their boat
they saw a lot of very old men. They were very angry with the old woman, but
the kind women lived happily with their beautiful men and had lots of children.
۲۰. The last straw that broke the camel’s back
A long time ago in Arabia, a family had a camel. It was a big strong camel and it
could carry a lot of things on its back. It could walk a long way and didn’t need
to drink water all the time. The camel worked very hard and the family loved it
and looked after it very well.
One day the family had to go to a little town far from their home. Two of the
young people in their family were getting married.
The man said, “Our big strong camel can carry everything and we can all walk
by its side”.
The big day came. It was very hot. The family put everything they wanted to
take in one place. They cooked food to eat on the way and they had a lot of
things to give to the young people.
When they saw how much stuff there was they looked at each other. “Can our
camel carry all our things?” they said.
They started to put things on the camel’s back. First they put on some straw.
This was food for the camel on the way. Then they put on their clothes, their
food and all the other things. The camel stood very still and waited but it was
getting hard for it to keep standing. More and more things went onto its back.
The camel thought it would fall over if one more thing was put on.
When everything was on the camel’s back, it could not move at all.
Then the man saw a very little piece of straw on the ground. He picked it up
and put it on the camel’s back.
It was too much! The camel cried out and fell over dead.
It was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.